best podcasts to listen to in your twenties, 20s, twentys, best personal development podcasts to inspire personal growth,

Self Improvement Podcasts To Inspire Personal Growth6 min read

I’m a reader.

I read an endless stream of personal development books (I’m on book 18 so far this year), and always have 3-4 going at one time. I read every morning as part of my routine and I read every evening to wind down.

Related posts: 3 Personal Development Books To Inspire Growth

Unfortunately, I can’t read while I’m driving, or doing the dishwasher, or going for a walk/hike/run, or gardening, or showering…

That’s when I discovered the value of podcasts.

I can continue to absorb knowledge, become inspired, and find motivation by turning on a podcast and still being productive!

However, there are SO MANY out there to choose from, and they’re not all great.

The best ones (like the ones I detail below) will make you want to listen over and over again. You’ll want to share my top 5 self improvement podcasts favorites with everyone because they are just THAT GOOD.

Some others, they sound like someone yammering into your ear, and you walk away with a bit of a headache.

Here’s what I like in a podcast:

  1. The host is relatable: easygoing, funny, and speaks in a way that makes me think I’m hanging out with a friend
  2. The information is rememberable: I love when the host summarizes things in a quotable way, it helps me keep it top of mind
  3. I leave feeling inspired: the content encourages me to show up as my best self and reach for my full potential

If you can relate to this list, then you’ll LOVE these top 5 self improvement podcasts to listen to .

5 best personal development self improvement podcasts to inspire personal growth and help you build a life you love and live your best life and reach your full potential; self improvement podcast

// 1 // The Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo

Brooke Castillo is like that 20 year old you looked up to when you were 13. She has it all — definitely living her best life.

On this podcast she challenges your assumptions, limiting beliefs, and negative thought patterns.

She inspires you to commit to your dreams and gives you practical advice for overcoming the things that are holding you back. I love kick starting my morning with one of her podcasts.

My favorites are:

  1. Impossible Goal Action
  2. Who Are You Becoming?
  3. Lies We’re Taught
  4. Thinking Big
  5. Believing Hard
  6. Throw Away Your To Do List
  7. The Capacity To Have

best podcasts to listen to in your twenties, 20s, twentys, best personal development podcasts to inspire personal growth, self improvement podcast

Related posts: The 4 Biggest Things Holding You Back In Life

// 2 // Rise Podcast with Rachel Hollis

Rachel Hollis takes no BS and gives advice with a big hint of sass. She has found her calling and is sharing everything she learned along her path to success. I love her conversational style, and how she speaks the whole truth and doesn’t sugarcoat the things you need to hear.

Every time one of her episodes ends, I feel like I just walked out of a motivational conference and I’m ready to take on the world!

My top 5 are as follows (and I’ve listened to them all at least 5 times).

  1. The Hard Things That Will Throw Your Off Course (And How To Fight Them)
  2. How To Overcome The Fear Of Failure
  3. What Success Really Means with John Maxwell
  4. How To Get Past Other Peoples Opinions
  5. How To Set Yourself Up For Success

By the way, if you want to be happier and more productive, get the best tips, tricks, and advice on building a life you love to live by joining our email community! We talk about ALL the things you need to know to show up as the best version of yourself every single day.

// 3 // Rise Together Podcast with Rachel & Dave Hollis

In this podcast, Rachel Hollis (from above) actually has her husband join her and they talk about all of the things that make a successful, fulfilling, and loving relationship. I love listening to this because even though I’m on a journey to live my very best life, I’m not the only one in the equation.

Sometimes that’s great, and sometimes it makes things tougher.

They talk about all the things you need to know to cultivate a relationship that aligns with the life you envision. Check out my favorite episodes:

  1. What If My Partner Doesn’t Support My Dream?
  2. Excuses to Let Go Of As A Couple
  3. What If Your Partner’s Dreams Scare You
  4. How We Keep Each Other From Spiraling
  5. What To Do If Your Partner Isn’t Into Personal Development

best podcasts to listen to in your twenties, 20s, twentys, best personal development podcasts to inspire personal growth, self improvement podcast

// 4 // Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof Radio

I love listening to this one because it helps me take my game to the next level. Dave Asprey interviews successful people from around the world, and explains what they’ve learned or what they do differently that helps them live a better life. All of these people are experts in their fields and their statements are backed by scientific research, which is fascinating and reassuring.

I’d recommend checking out:

  1. Your Microbiome May Be Misbehaving – Naveen Jain
  2. The Dark Side of EMFs – Peter Sullivan
  3. Create the Person You Want To Be – Brendon Burchard
  4. JJ Virgin: The Sugar Impact Diet, Artificial Sweeteners, & Your Gut Microbiome

Related posts: 5 Personal Development Books To Change Your Life

// 5 // The Tony Robbins Podcast

I’m just getting into this one, but am definitely enjoying it! It’s hosted a little differently from the others: it’s a bit more structured and scripted. I love the excerpts from Tony Robbin’s speeches and I love that it interviews people who have applied these concepts into their lives.

You should definitely start with these:

  1. How To Make The Decision To Do The Impossible
  2. Fear Will Destroy You Or Drive You

5 best personal development self improvement podcasts to inspire personal growth and help you build a life you love and live your best life and reach your full potential; self improvement podcast

So there we have it…

23 self improvement podcasts episodes that will fire you up and inspire you to chase after your wildest dreams.

If you need a shot of courage before a big day at work, or some inspiration when you’re stuck in a rut, or some tips on how to make positive incremental changes in your life, you will find it here.

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What podcasts have you listened to and LOVED lately?

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