38 Year End Reflection Questions for Ambitious Entrepreneurs8 min read
If you’re wondering how to set goals for the New Year, and want 25 powerful year end reflection questions for entrepreneurs to help you with your end of year goal setting process, this article is for you.
There’s something magical about carving out a few hours in December to reflect on the year that’s passed, and set new goals for the next 12 months. Heading into the New Year knowing who you are and what you want to accomplish allows you to intentionally create a life and business that you love. I’ve filled this article with 38 surprisingly deep, thought provoking, and powerful year end reflection questions for entrepreneurs with big goals so that you have all the goal setting journal prompts you need to set yourself and your business up for success in the coming year.
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Why are year end reflection questions important for entrepreneurs?
Year end reflection questions allow you to reflect on where you’ve been, what you’ve learned, and where you want to go. When you consciously reflect on these things, you are able to make decisions and take actions that align with your values and your vision for the future, thereby building a life and business that you absolutely love.
If you aren’t sure where you need to focus in your business for the upcoming year take our personalized quiz here!
Having a set of year end reflection questions and goal setting journal prompts provides some structure to your year end review process so that you can walk away feeling grounded in what you’ve gone through, and centered in where to focus your time and energy going forward.
So, grab your yummiest drink, your coziest blanket, and a copy of these 38 end of year reflection questions in a fillable PDF workbook, and get stuck in!
Related post: Life Audit: Ultimate Guide To Your Best Year Yet

21 Year End Reflection Questions | Annual Review Journal Prompts
What are the most significant/important things that happened to you in the past year in the following areas:
- Business/Career
- Relationship/Family
- Physical/Mental Health
- Friendship/Community
- Finances
- Learning/Personal Development
- Spiritual/emotional
- Environment
What areas of your life was the majority of your time & energy dedicated to this year?
How did you live in alignment with your values this year? Give 3-5 specific examples for each value.
On a scale of 1-10, how aligned did your year feel with your values in terms of where you spent your time/energy?
What is your 5-10 year vision for your life & how did this year move you closer to it?
What are 25 things you’re proud of doing/notdoing/saying this year?
What did you learn about yourself this year?
What were the most important skills you learned this year?
What are the 3 biggest beliefs you’ve been able to shift this year?
What were the 3-5 best decisions you made this year?
What were the top 3 things you worried most about this year? Did they happen? How did you navigate them? What did you learn?
What were the top 3 challenges you faced in your business this year? How did you navigate them? What did you learn from them?
What advice would you give yourself from a year ago now that you’re standing here today?
What pieces of running your business did you hate most this year? What pieces did you love most this year?
What were the projects you took on that stretched you this year? What projects were you surprised to learn you loved? What projects did you think you’d love that you actually didn’t?
What were the great habits you built this year? What were the bad habits you fell into that you’d like to improve next year?
What brought joy into your life this year? List your 25 happiest memories from the year.
What were your goals for 2021? Which ones did you achieve?
What goals felt important to you but shifted over time?
Which goals did you miss that are still really important to you? What do you believe prevented you from achieving them? What can you do differently going forward?
How would you summarize this last year in a few sentences?
Related post: How To Define Your Core Values
17 Powerful Goal Setting Journal Prompts For Entrepreneurs | How To Set Annual Goals

What is your 5-10 year vision? What shifts do you need to acknowledge in it now that you’ve grown & evolved over the last year?
What impact do you most want to have? In what ways do you want the world to be a better place because you lived? If you could snap your fingers and change one thing in the world, what would it be?
What does your resume from the future say?
What would you attempt if you could not fail? If you could make one secret wish for the coming year, and know that it will happen successfully, what would you wish?
Related post: A Quick & Easy Way To Journal For Self Improvement
What does a week in the life of you look like 10 years from now?
- Imagine the most confident & capable version of yourself: What are the projects you’re leading? How do you spend your work time?
- Imagine the most successful & happy version of yourself: How do you spend your free time?
- What are the qualities of the people you surround yourself with?
Related post: How to Shake Up A Monotonous Life
What’s on your bucket list? What are the 25 things you’d like to do before you die?
What dreams have you always had that keep sitting on the backburner? What projects sound fun but scary?
What do you most want to learn this year?
What are the people/things/feelings you are ready to release/let go of in the coming year? What are you saying NO to this year?
What do you want to say YES to this year? What are the things/people/feelings you are calling in?
What are the 3 beliefs you want to embody this coming year?
What word do you want to summarize the year ahead … (Choose one word that symbolises and defines what you want your year ahead to be about, or what you want to be/do/experience this year)
How can you lean more into your values this year? Give 3-5 specific examples for each value.
Related post: How To Find Your Purpose In Life

What would you like most to have happen/experience in the following areas of your life:
- Business/Career
- Relationship/Family
- Physical/Mental Health
- Friendship/Community
- Finances
- Learning/Personal Development
- Spiritual/emotional
- Environment
Related post: How To Figure Out What To DO With Your Life (And Acutally Do It!)
What 3 areas of your life do you want to dedicate 80% of your time & energy to this year?
What are the top 3-5 accomplishments you want to achieve in the coming year that are non negotiable for you across the 3 priority areas?
Which 3 things will you commit to doing this year from your bucket list?

These year end reflection questions are powerful! They are the kinds of surprisingly deep, thought provoking questions that most people don’t take time to contemplate while stuck in the daily grind of a busy life. But if you’re here, you’re not most people. You know that creating space in your calendar to reflect on your year and set goals for the future is a worthy endeavor that will help you achieve big things in life and in business.
Before you go, make sure you purchase the Year End Reflection and Goal Setting Workbook. At only $7, it is the perfect way to get aligned for the new year so that you can start accomplishing all of your biggest goals!

I’d love to know, so comment below, which question was most powerful for you?
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