How Do I Get 1:1 Time With Ana? Is The VIP Option For Me?
There will be time on every group call for you to ask your burning questions and get Ana’s expert guidance/advice/feedback to help you apply the material to your business. There will also be a private group to ask questions in that Ana will be active in to support you with your burning questions in between calls. However, the structure of the basic package is great for those who are ready to hold themselves accountable and get the tools, strategy, and structure that’s required to create a wildly successful business and then implement what feels good for them within an inspiring and empowering group container. For those seeking personalized 1:1 support and tailored strategy and are ready to go ALL IN and create quantum leaps of growth, investing in the 1:1 option is the best bet! You’ll be able to have 4 x 1:1 calls with Ana to go deeper into the challenges you’re facing, the mindset blocks you need support in overcoming, the specific business model you want to implement, etc. This is the most affordable way to receive 1:1 support!